Saturday, March 9, 2013

Cyber Bullying and Bullfighting, Bad Traditions of Tragedy!

Bullfighting is a very old spectacle, originating somewhere in Spain. The Matador and the bull, being the main focus, have a destined end. One of them is destined to die if not, at the least, become very badly wounded. So it is with cyber bullying or pirating. The area of interest in cyber pirating/bullying is to manipulate, and/or monopolize territory of some kind; either through a trademark, copyright infringement or some form of IP tampering.

China has one of the largest impacts of cyber pirating in the world. They are so threatening in this area that they have become callous and shameless in the practice of cyber pirating, as it was the case of Panavision vs. Toeppen.

Here are two of the most impacting statements of concern for what China is doing across the Internet. This is a statement of Dmitri Alperovich, vice-president of McAfee, and he states,

"I am convinced that every company in every conceivable industry with significant size and valuable intellectual property and trade secrets may have been compromised, with the great majority of the victims rarely discovering the intrusion or its impact Tkacik.”

The threat is so menacing that China brings causes alarm behind the power hungry staging of monarchy according to Mr. Tkacik’s documentation.

Former Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell, former Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff and former Deputy Secretary of Defense William Lynn spelled it out as clearly as they could: China's economic and industrial espionage and cyber warfare capacities are able, "to cripple our critical infrastructure, including financial networks and the power grid. Now . . . the threat of economic cyber espionage looms even more ominously Tkacik.”

In effect, China is building an economical front that could bring the world to the mercy of China by their sheer wealth. The reasoning for engaging in extraction of another nation’s military strategies and buying the substance of nations is to leave those nations helpless and void of their resources. At that point China could turn on any country, and make war on them, having the economic advantage to subdue one nation at a time.

Such is the style of bullfighters; the matador taunts the bull for a period of time, and mocks the strength and animalistic nature of the bull. At some point, before the matador loses their strength, he strikes the bull, setting up for the kill and soon, the fatal blow.

Cyber theft is being practiced against TV and film industry, music, the Internet and computer gaming industry, phone and software industry and it seems like almost nothing is untouched IP Damage Control. This causes a hard hit to the expected economy of IP, but an even worse affect to the people who looked to gain from their property, and are dismayed. This is, in part, due to the lack respect, and then laws and deterrents are not strong enough yet to segue the efforts of pirating and bullying.

The point is, any faction of people or world power, that is cyber pirating or bullying, is capable of destruction of IP. When something is taken, once belonging to someone else, without permission, a law is not the only scale of determination. That action is still a moral issue of theft, with a consequence of destruction.

Intellectual property is of a personal nature, when it is taken, borrowed and/or exploited by someone other than the source creator, tragedy takes place. Knowing that, theft has occurred. Such a thing is able to be distinguished, to a point of retribution, by the law of reciprocity at some time or another. Like the number of times the matador plays with the bull, before the fatal strike. Either the quickness of the matador, or the bull’s defiance of too much taunting by the matador, the show will come to an end. So the consequence of such cause and effect will come the laws of natural mankind, in the form of writing clear and deliverable statutes.

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Launching out,
Isiah Baldwin

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